Program Partners
Our Program Partners help families throughout our community with funding support from United Way of Franklin County made possible by generous donations from individuals and businesses.
We collaborate with these partners to address community level issues, not only investing in the programs, but also working closely with them to expand the effects of their work and track measurable outcomes.
2024 Program Partners
The programs listed below are our current Program Partners. Scroll to view details of each.
You may also download this Printable List of UWFC's 2024 Program Partners.

Basic Needs
These Program Partners support individuals and families to meet and help move beyond basic needs.
Emergency Financial Assistance
Waynesboro Community & Human Services
Available to clients in the 125% of the federal poverty guideline or less to prevent utility shut offs, first month or late rent payments to prevent homelessness, fuel oil, prescriptions and gas to get to work or to a doctor’s appointment.
Emergency and Transitional Housing
WIN Victim Services
Offers a safe place for victims of domestic violence and their children.
Franklin County Shelter for the Homeless
South Central Community Action Programs
Assists individuals and families who are homeless in getting back on their feet.
PA 2-1-1
Contact Helpline
Provides free, confidential health and human services information referrals 24/7 to those who dial 2-1-1 or search the online database.
Food and Clothing Bank
Little Daisy's Closet
Provides NO CHARGE basic needs that creates fair and equitable access to new or gently used clothing, shoes, hats, belts, dress clothes, undergarments, pillows, blankets, sheets, toys, DVD's, personal care items, housewares pillows, blankets, sheets and non perishable foods, vegetables and protein.
Early Learning
These Program Partners support early learning initiatives in our community to advance the future of our children.
Waynesboro Early Learning Center
Waynesboro Early Learning Center
Provides a safe, nurturing and stimulating environment in which children can learn and grow.
Arts Integrated Classroom
First Start Partnerships for Children & Families
Integrated music, movement and visual art activities that teach preschool-aged children social, emotional, physical and cognitive skills children need to be successful in school and in life.
Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Dolly Parton Imagination Library
Helps support preschool readiness and helps strengthen families by providing books to read together.
Books for Babies
Franklin County Library System
The goal of Baby's First Books is to introduce literacy to a child and their family at the very start by sending home free board books, along with library information helpful to families of young children, from their birth at the hospital, their 2-month checkup, or their 6-month checkup.

Financial Stability
These Program Partners support initiatives to address workforce development needs and help people move into financial self-sufficiency to support themselves and their families.
LIU12 Franklin County Literacy Council
Lincoln Intermediate Unit No. 12
Provides literacy services and assists them in the pursuit of life goals through the advancement of literacy.
Chambersburg Summer Program
Boys & Girls Club Chambersburg/Shippensburg
Provides hands-on activities and experiences to
support academic success, character and leadership development, and healthy lifestyles of youth in our community.
Open Doors
Waynesboro YMCA
Offers financial assistance for memberships to the YMCA to over 300 youth and 150 adults, providing them access to programs and recreation for healthy living.
Sam's/Youth Achievers
Chambersburg Memorial YMCA
Provides a safe, nurturing and consistent environment where low-income and/or at-risk children have accessibility to structured activities that cultivate a healthy spirit, mind and body.
Shining the Light
Franklin County Legal Services
Provides access to legal representation, advice, and education to low-income individuals with civil legal problems in Franklin and Fulton Counties.
Summer Youth Program
Provides at-risk, economically disadvantaged, multi-cultural, and language barrier youth with a strong foundation to enter or return to school.
Healthy Living
These Program Partners support initiatives to help individuals and families in our community develop healthy habits and make lifestyle choices.
4-H Therapeutic Riding Center
Penn State Extension
Provides recreation and therapy through horsemanship to persons with special needs.
Community Health Nurse
Waynesboro Community & Human Services
Offers a variety of in home health care services.
Frances Leiter Center
Children's Aid Society
Creative art and play therapy are designed to put a child at ease so it is easier for that child to discuss their feelings and to describe incidents that they have experienced.
The Gleaning Project
South Central Community Action Programs
Works with local growers, producers, and back yard gardeners to harvest food that would have gone to waste and distributes it to food insecure families across Franklin County.
Go Girls Go!
Healthy Communities Partnership
Empowers girls to take ownership of their well-being and build self-confidence in this after school program.
Educational Advocacy
The ARC of Franklin Fulton Counties
Educational Advocacy will help parents make sure a child's special needs are met. The Advocacy support will help parents understand available resources, interpret test results, and work with schools to plan individualized education programs (IEPs).
Chambersburg Memorial YMCA
Offers adults affected by cancer a safe, supportive environment to participate in physical and social activities focused on strengthening the whole person.
Prevention Education
Over the Rainbow Children's Advocacy Center
Provides a safe, child-friendly place for children and their families to receive specialized services that help to restore hope and begin healing from child abuse.