Community Resources
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Need help finding resources and assistance?

MySmartMoney has the information you need to feel financially secure. Get help with immediate needs or financial planning.
Anyone can file their simple federal and state returns for free using MyFreeTaxes.
Food and Health
Franklin County Nutrition Mapper
Maps the Nutrition Resources available in Franklin County, from school backpack locations to emergency food providers to community gardens.
Commuter Services of PA
Commute PA is a free ridematching and rewards program serving Franklin and surrounding counties. Download the Commute PA app to your phone!
Rabbit Transit
Children & Family
Parent Resources
Visit our Parent Resources page for information on raising children, finding childcare and more.
Community Information
Franklin County, PA
340 N. Second St.
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Healthy Franklin County
Franklin County Visitors Bureau
15 S. Main St.
Chambersburg, PA 17201
Franklin County Area Development
1900 Wayne Rd.
Chambersburg, PA 17202
Prescription Savings Card
United Way of Franklin County partners with SingleCare (formerly FamilyWize) to provide community members access to affordable prescription medications in order to ensure greater health and financial stability.
SingleCare Prescription Savings Card:
Always free to use by everyone—just show it to the pharmacist
No registration or eligibility requirements. Use it right away!
Save up to 80% on 10,000+ prescription medications
Accepted at major pharmacy chains nationwide
Sign up on for additional member savings (earn $1 per eligible script!!)
Works whether you’re insured or underinsured
Unlimited uses

How Do I Get a Card?
Contact United Way of Franklin County at: 717-262-0015
Download and print a card on
Text "family" to 700700 to receive a card on your phone (Message and data rates may apply. SingleCare Terms and Conditions)
Download the free SingleCare mobile app from the App Store or Google Play Store.

Drug Price Lookup Tool:
Check the SingleCare price on your prescriptions by going to or by downloading the free SingleCare mobile app. Simply enter the drug name, dosage, and zip code to find the lowest price at a nearby pharmacy.
How It Works:
SingleCare negotiates fair drug prices directly with major pharmacies like CVS, Walmart, and Walgreens. We pass the savings onto our members, free of charge. Members can use their card as often as they want. Cards do not expire. Cards may also be used for family members’ prescriptions and shared with friends.
To start saving with SingleCare, a member just needs to show the savings card to their pharmacist every time they fill a prescription at a participating pharmacy. The discount will be automatically applied at checkout.