Volunteer Hub
Your one-stop-hub to connect with volunteer and item donation needs
at local nonprofits across Franklin County, PA
Volunteer & Donate Items
Now more than ever is a time for our community to stand together. You can help by volunteering your time to support local projects. Below are current volunteer and donation needs. To volunteer for a project, please contact the organization directly. Check this page regularly, volunteer and donation needs are updated as new opportunities come up!
Nonprofits can submit volunteer need details here.
Donation Needs
Personal Care and Household/Cleaning Supplies
Organization: WIN Victim Services
Donation Needs: Full, Queen, and Twin XL size bedding, Pots, pans, and bakeware, TracFones and TracFone minutes, Grocery gift cards, Shampoo, conditioner, face wash, and body wash (gender neutral), Food storage/leftover containers, Cat/dog food and litter, Towels and washcloths, Dishwasher detergent, Laundry detergent.
To Donate: Contact Stephanie Lehman at 717-264-3056 or stephaniel@winservices.org.
Community Garden Supplies
Organization: Solomon’s United Church of Christ
Location: New Franklin
Donation Needs: Donation Mulch, organic fertilizer, coolers, ice packs, produce containers/baskets, trellises, rain barrels, garden tools, garden gloves, storage containers for garden tools, compost bins, and/or other garden related supplies for our community garden and those who use it. Donations of bird baths, houses, feeders, seed, etc. to help us turn our property into a native bird habitat.
To Donate: Contact Rev. Julia Brown, 717-263-3616
Personal Care Items
Organization: My Neighbor's Bounty
Location: Mercersburg
Donation Needs: Soap, shampoo, conditioners, deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrushes, feminine products.
To Donate: Contact myneighborsbounty@gmail.com, or 717-493-6078
Care Pack Supplies
Organization: Cumberland Valley Breast Care Alliance
Donation Needs: Giant Gift Cards in $25 increments, Adult Coloring Books, Adult Crossword Puzzles or Word Finds, Coloring Pencils, Lotion (Aquaphor is most often preferred for our use), Travel Tissues, Chap Stick, Candies (such as mints, mini chocolate bars, and M&Ms)
To Donate: Contact Samantha at 717-263-7191 or cvbca@comcast.net.
Horse Treats
Organization: Franklin County 4-H Therapeutic Riding Center
Location: 181 Franklin Farm Lane, Chambersburg
Project Details: The Franklin County 4-H Therapeutic Riding Center is just about out of horse treats. Students give the treats to the horses after their riding lessons.
To Donate: Drop off at the Therapeutic Riding Center at 181 Franklin Farm Lane, Chambersburg, PA 17202
Shelf Stable, Non-perishable Food
Organization: Franklin County Blessing Boxes
Project Details: Blessing Boxes provide food and toiletries in boxes placed in neighborhoods that can be accessed 24/7. "Give what you can, take what you need, and above all be blessed."
To Donate: Drop off non-expired, non-perishable food to United Way's Blessing Box along W. Washington St. in Chambersburg (building address is 182 S. 2nd St.) or to any of the other Blessing Box locations: map
Cat Food and Clinic Supplies
Organization: The Nobody's Cat Foundation
Project Details: Nobody's Cats always needs donations of dry and canned cat food, any brand, for community cat colony caretakers in the county. These donations can be picked up by a local volunteer, who will distribute the food to local caretakers in Franklin County. In addition, the organization's dedicated spay/neuter clinic in Camp Hill, which serves community cats from the county, can always use donations of paper towels, cotton swabs, 70% rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and gallons of distilled water.
To Donate: Call Christine Arnold at 717-763-1770 to arrange pick-up of your donations.
Cleaning/Office Supplies, Vehicle
Organization: The Conococheague Institute
Project Details: Donations of cleaning supplies, office supplies and other constant operating needs are always welcome. Our greatest donation need as a site, is a Skid loader or UTV with hauling capabilities!
To Donate: Contact info@cimlg.org
Children's Clothes, Home Goods, & More
Organization: Little Daisy's Closet
Project Details: Donations of children's clothes, boys suits, dress shoes, home goods, toilet paper, paper towels, shampoo, deodorant, laundry soap, and all sizes and genders of clothing are appreciated. We will also accept women's shoes, coats, gloves, scarves, hats, pocketbooks, lunch bags, backpacks, socks, kids new or gently used toys, sheets, blankets, household items, and food.
To Donate: Donations are accepted behind our location at:1613 Orchard Drive Chambersburg, PA on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 AM – 4 PM and on Saturdays from 9 AM – Noon.
Questions? Contact LDCloset@comcast.net
Dependable Vehicle
Organization: Cove Valley Christian Youth Camp
Location: Mercersburg
Donation Needs: In need of a dependable vehicle, to replace a Honda Pilot, that could haul supplies and take promotional trips.
To Donate: Contact Allen Eshleman, 717-328-3055, execdirector@covevalleycamp.com
Cleaning Supplies for Animal Shelter
Organization: Antietam Humane Society
Donation Needs: We are completely out of or low on the following supplies if you are able to contribute anything: bleach, paper towels, toilet paper, cat chow, litter, toys and treats for dogs, laundry detergent, multipurpose cleaning sprays, and trash bags.
To Donate: Contact 717-762-9091 or drop off at their location.
Location: 8513 Lyons Rd., Waynesboro
Healthy Snacks for Kids
Organization: NETwork Ministries
Location: 419 Hollywell Ave., Chambersburg
Donation Needs: We're looking to fill our monthly snack calendar with fun and healthy snacks for kids. Make something homemade or pick up food from the store - either way is a big help! Can you bring snacks once a month?
To Donate: Contact Ben Raber at 717-264-4640 or networkchambersburg@gmail.com
New or Gently Used Books for Babies, Toddlers, and Teens
Organization: United Way of Franklin County
Donation Needs: We are in need of books for our Little Lending Library! We are especially in need of Board Books and Teen/YA Novels.
To Donate: Drop-off at the office Monday-Friday 9am-4pm, 182 S. 2nd St., Chambersburg
Location: 182 S. 2nd St., Chambersburg
Food, Clothing, and Hygiene Items
Organization: Trinity Episcopal Church
Location: 58 S. 2nd St., Chambersburg
Donation Needs: Always in need of non-perishable food items, clothing, shoes, and personal care items such as soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, can openers, and similar items. Financial gifts are always appreciated.
To Donate: Contact Rev. Patricia "Pat" Dickson, 717-264-6351
Gift Cards and Fidgets
Organization: Over the Rainbow Children's Advocacy Center
Location: 1461 S. Main St., Chambersburg
Donation Needs: Gas gift cards, grocery gift cards, notebooks, and fidget toys for kids.
To Donate: Contact Rebecca Voss, 717-504-8491, bvoss@overtherainbowcac.org
Learning Supplies
Organization: Franklin County Literacy Council
Location: 101 E. King St., Chambersburg
Donation Needs: Supplies such as notebooks, binders, pens, pencils, erasers, note cards, dry erase markers and erasers, paper towels, tall kitchen trash bags, Clorox wipes, etc.
To Donate: Contact Angie Wilt, ajwilt@iu12.org, 717-504-4459 x3504
Maternity Clothes
Organization: Pregnancy Ministries Inc.
Location: Chambersburg
Donation Details: Items needed include Similac Sensitive Formula, baby wipes, nursing pads, rattles/teethers, baby comb and brush sets, and baby nail clippers.
To Donate: Please call ahead to schedule donation times.
Contact: Deb MacAskill at 717-267-3738 ext. 106 or email debmacaskill@pregnancyministries.org
Bedding & Cleaning Supplies
Organization: House of Hope
Location: 230 E. Queen St., Chambersburg
Donation Needs: Pillows, twin sheet sets, cleaning and laundry supplies, ladies size 6-10 underwear and socks, toilet paper, gas cards, feminine hygiene products, and paper towels.
To Donate: Contact Bernadette Bowman, 717-729-7338, ihateheroin@comcast.net
Food & Cleaning Supplies
Organization: Franklin County Homeless Shelter
Location: 223 S. Main St., Chambersburg
Donation Needs: Large trash bags, toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies, and shelf-stable food. Any foods will be accepted.
To Donate: Contact Trudy or Karen, 717-267-3669, twesley@sccap.org
Towels, Paper Products & More
Organization: Veteran's Multi-Service Center
Donation Needs: Gas gift cards, new towels and wash cloths, toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissue, and small appliances (coffee makers, toasters, etc.).
To Donate: Contact Sandy Thomas, 717-599-8835, sandy.thomas@vmcenter.org
Cleaning and Personal Care Items
Organization: Franklin County Housing Authority
Location: 436 W. Washington St., Chambersburg
Donation Needs: Toilet paper, laundry detergent, dish soap, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and rolling food carts.
To Donate: Contact Amanda Keefer, akeefer@fcha.net, 717-263-4200
Organization: Waynesboro Community & Human Services
Location: 123 Walnut St., Waynesboro
Donation Needs: Disposable diapers sizes 4, 5, 6 and 7. Adult pullups sizes Med, Large, and Extra Large.
To Donate: Call 717-762-6941
Personal Care Items
Organization: Franklin Together
Location: 533 S. Main St., Chambersburg
Donation Needs: Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, towels, wash cloths, loofas, and men/women's underwear sizes S-2XL.
To Donate: Contact Leigh Elliott, lelliott@sccap.org, 717-778-7758
Volunteer Needs
Summer Reading Volunteers
Organization: United Way of Franklin County
Dates: June - July 2025
Details: United Way of Franklin County is seeking volunteer readers for our summer reading program. The program sends volunteers, weekly, to summer youth programs in Franklin County to read, lead hands-on activities, and guide meaningful conversations around topics presented in the selected book. The goal is to bridge the summer reading gap that occurs when youth leave school during break.
To Volunteer: Contact Kelly at kfrazer@uwfcpa.org or 717.262.0015 x202.
Egg Hunt Volunteers
Organization: Peckin Thyme Farms
Location: Upton Community Center, 8978 Kuhn Rd, Greencastle
Dates: April 19, 2025
Details: Volunteers are needed to help with Peckin Thyme Farms 4th Annual Egg Hunt Extravaganza! Volunteers are needed to help the day of the event with the egg hunt and kids activities. Volunteers are also needed the week before the event to help prepare eggs and more.
To Volunteer: Interested? Please contact the Chase at at 717-491-4206.
Outreach Food Pantry Volunteers
Organization: Praying Time Ministries
Location: 45 Railroad Street, Greencastle, PA
Dates: January - December 2025
Details: Seeking volunteers to help with Outreach Food Pantry. Must be able to lift. Help most needed on Tuesday, January 21 and Saturday January 25 from 9:30am-1:30pm, but also need help on other days throughout the month. Please call the Outreach Coordinator for more information.
To Volunteer: Please contact the Outreach Coordinator, Dr. Ethel Marie Hooper at ethelm.hooper@gmail.com for more information
Red Cross Volunteers
Organization: Red Cross
Details: Volunteers are urgently needed for the following positions in Franklin County:
Disaster Responders (Respond to local home fires and disasters)
Disaster Caseworker (Connect individuals and families experiencing fires and other emergencies with community resources)
Disaster Health Service (Provide disaster-related health care to clients and provide support to other volunteers)
To Volunteer: Contact Cynthia at (717) 714-1258 or cynthia.matthew@redcross.org or visit redcross.org.
VITA Volunteers
Organization: United Way of Franklin County
Dates: January - April 2025
Details: The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program offers free tax preparation and filing to low- and moderate-income individuals and families in Franklin County. We rely on volunteers to aid with this free tax preparation. All training and supplies provided. Join us at the info session to learn more!
To Volunteer: Contact Kelly at kfrazer@uwfcpa.org or 717.262.0015 x202.
Chambersburg Community Theatre Volunteers
Organization: Chambersburg Community Theatre
Project Details: Submit your interested for production teams, tech and stage crew, or other volunteer opportunities.
To Volunteer: Fill out the interest form at cctonline.org/getinvolved
House of Grace Volunteers
Organization: The House of Grace
Project Details: The House of Grace is looking for a volunteer Craft Teacher and Bible Study Teacher.
Craft teacher: any time there is a fifth Wednesday in a month
Bible study teacher: any time there is a fifth Wednesday in a month
To Volunteer: Interested? Contact director@thehouseofgracepa.org
Home Delivered Meal Volunteer
Organization: Franklin County Area Agency on Aging
When: Volunteers pick up meals to be delivered between 10-10:30am Monday through Friday, with the exception of major holidays and special events.
Project Details: The Franklin County Area Agency on Aging is looking for volunteers to deliver meals to seniors who are not able to prepare a meal themselves or unable to attend a senior center for lunch, so that they are provided with a nutritious and filling meal. A set volunteer schedule is preferred, but can be discussed with senior center coordinators directly. Most volunteer opportunities are usually 1-3 days per week, for about 1.5-2 hours, but more days can be agreed upon.
To Volunteer: For more information or to apply, click here.
Inventory and Donation Distribution
Organization: Little Daisy's Closet
Location: 1613 Orchard Drive Chambersburg, PA 17201
Dates: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9am to 4 pm and Saturdays from 9am to 12pm
Project Details: Volunteers will assist with receiving physical donations, sorting through items, restocking items, checking in guests, assisting guests where needed. Other duties as necessary.
To Volunteer: Please email LDCloset@comcast.net or call 717-414-2646.
Hospice Volunteer
Organization: Grane Hospice
Location: Franklin County
Dates: Flexible
Project Details: As a volunteer, you will become a member of a team whose purpose is to make the patient’s end of life as comfortable and fulfilling as possible. There are many ways to volunteer: sharing music, holding a hand, pet therapy, reading aloud, or simply taking the time to listen. Flexible training and schedules based on your availability and preference.
To Volunteer: Please contact Jennifer Kitzmiller at jennifer.kitzmiller@granehospice.com or 717-763-4001.
Clothing and Food Bank Volunteers
Organization: Waynesboro Community and Human Services
Location: 123 Walnut St., Waynesboro
Project Details: Waynesboro Community and Human Services is always looking for dedicated individuals who are passionate about making a positive impact in the community to help volunteer in the clothing bank and food bank.
To Volunteer: To learn more visit wchs-pa.org or call 717-762-6941.
Thrift Shop Volunteer
Organization: Waynesboro New Hope Shelter's Thrift Shop
Location: Waynesboro
Project Details: New Hope Thrift Shop is always in need of volunteers. You can schedule your own hours, a few hours a week, or a few days a week. Volunteers will sort donations, stock items, keep the store clean and well-organized, prepare items for sale, and various other jobs that are needed periodically. We need volunteers that are reliable and ready to serve our customers in a friendly, godly, and helpful manner.
To Volunteer: Please email lfleagle@pa.net or call 717-762-3019.
Volunteer Scanners
Organization: Old Jail - The Franklin County Historical Society
Location: 175 E King St, Chambersburg, PA 17201
Details: The Franklin County Historical Society (The Old Jail) is seeking volunteers to scan newspapers. Shifts are Tuesday 12pm-2pm and 2pm-4pm, Thursday 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm, or Friday 2pm-4pm. This can be done while sitting down.
To Volunteer: More information can be found by calling 717-264-1667.
Facility Maintenance Volunteers
Organization: Children's Aid Society
Location: Frances Leiter Center, 539 Lincoln Way E, Chambersburg, PA 17201
Details: Facility Maintenance Volunteers needed for up to 8 hours per month - Scheduled shifts are flexible!
Volunteer responsibilities include minor upkeep of facility and grounds such as weeding, mulching, repairing damaged locks and door knobs, other maintenance and cleaning tasks as requested.
To Volunteer: Contact Amanda Zeager at azeager@cassd.org or complete the volunteer interest form here.
Book Sale Volunteers
Organization: Friends of Legal Services
Location: MobileWorks, 2116 Lincoln Way East
Details: The Friends of Legal Services are seeking volunteers to help with their annual book sale fundraiser. Volunteer opportunities include: Sorting/pricing books, Packing book boxes/moving boxes of books, Picking up books from collection sites, Working at the Book Sale (especially on set-up day and clean-up day), and more!
To Volunteer: For more information, please call 717-496-3364, email legalservicesbooksale@gmail.com, or visit www.fcls.net/volunteer.
Old Jail Volunteers
Organization: The Franklin County Historical Society
Location: 175 E King St, Chambersburg, PA 17201
Details: The Franklin County Historical Society (The Old Jail) is seeking volunteer tour guides or tour monitors. Shifts are 10am-1pm or 1pm-4pm and volunteers can schedule as little as one shift a month up to a set shift each week.
To Volunteer: More information can be found at franklinhistorical.org or by calling 717-264-1667.
Gleaning Stand Volunteer
Organization: The Gleaning Project of South Central Pennsylvania
Location: Franklin Co. Gleaning Stand, 533 S. Main St.
Dates: Mondays: 9am-12pm, Wednesdays: 12pm-3pm, and Thursdays: 12pm-7pm (3hrs, your choice)
Details: Produce stand attendants needed! These volunteers would assist with stocking the stand from the cooler, assisting those shopping for these items, answering questions, etc.
To Volunteer: Want to help? Sign up to volunteer at: thegleaningproject.org/volunteer
Friendly Family Program Volunteer
Organization: Wilson College
Location: Chambersburg
When: At least once per month
Project Details: The Wilson College Friendly Family Program supports international students on campus during their time at Wilson. The Program is designed to connect a member from the community with a new student for one year or semester. Volunteers are asked to reach out and invite the student to do something in the local community with them (or even just inviting them over for a meal in their home) at least once a month.
To Volunteer, Contact: For more information/details about the program, please see the application form here: https://forms.office.com/r/qNWJC4AbYu or contact Crystal Lantz at crystal.lantz@wilson.edu.
Youth Aid Panel Volunteer
Organization: Youth Aid Panel
Locations: Chambersburg and Waynesboro
Dates: flexible
Details: The Youth Aid Panel is a diversionary program designed for first-time juvenile offenders. The program aims to increase community awareness of juvenile crime, while also involving the community in being responsible for their youth. Volunteers are trained to work with juveniles and their parents/guardians to build a contract that repairs the harm done to victims and assists the youth in learning skills to be a productive member of the community.
To Volunteer: For more information, visit bit.ly/3KZfjo0 or call Dora Housekeeper at (717) 261-3122 ext. 21217.
Hospice Volunteers
Organization: Franklin Hospice
Location: Franklin County
Dates: flexible
Details: Would you like to use your time and talents to help others in our community? Volunteers are invaluable to patient care at Franklin Hospice, and we are currently accepting volunteer applications! There are many opportunities available such as, administrative support, companionship, music therapy and more.
To Volunteer: If you are interested, please visit franklinhospice.org/volunteer to view volunteering opportunities, training and support information or email fhvolunteer@franklinhospice.org
Fresh Express Food Distribution
Organization: Franklin County Housing Authority
Location: Chambersburg
Dates: the last Tuesday of every month 8am-11am
Details: If you are looking to give back to the community, to complete community service or build partnerships, we have service opportunities for you. One current opportunity is to help with Fresh Express Food Distribution.
To Volunteer: Learn more, view required trainings, and apply at fcha.net/volunteer
Conococheague Institute Volunteers
Organization: The Conococheague Institute
Location: Mercersburg
Dates: Ongoing, flexible
Details: New Volunteers are always welcome to join our growing Frontier Family. We have opportunities in the ever popular 18th Century living history field of course, but a thriving ecosystem here that requires those with a appreciation of nature, visitor services roles, library and artifact cataloging duties and many other ways to support the Conococheague Institute.
To Volunteer: Learn more at cimlg.org/about-us/volunteer-opportunities/
Gallery Volunteers
Organization: Arts Alliance of Greater Waynesboro
Location: 50 W. Main St., Waynesboro
Dates: weekends
Details: GALLERY VOLUNTEERS - Gallery 50 operates with a volunteer staff on the weekends. Friday nights are lively with live music performances; or enjoy a quiet, relaxed pace volunteering on Saturdays or Sundays.
To Volunteer: Complete the volunteer form artsalliancegw.org/about/volunteer/newvolunteer
Park Volunteers
Organization: Renfrew Museum and Park
Location: 1010 E. Main St., Waynesboro
Project Details: We’re looking for friendly, community-minded people to help provide great experiences to visitors year-round. Volunteers at Renfrew Museum and Park assist professional staff with a wide variety of tasks including our popular programs and events, artifact collections and exhibits, interpretation, tours, gardening and grounds keeping, guest engagement, outreach, and so much more!
To Volunteer: Contact the Museum at 717-762-4723 or info@renfrewmusuem.org
Event Volunteers
Organization: Charles Brightbill Environmental Center
Location: Peters Township/Mercersburg
Project Details: We host several events throughout the year on the first Sunday afternoon of each month (February - May) and October - December). Volunteers are needed for quite a few of these to assist with activities, cover the front desk and guest book, and to interact with our visitors. Volunteers with a background in education would also be welcome to assist with visiting groups in the spring. Days and times vary depending on teacher requests.
To Volunteer: Contact Sheila Snider, twepmail@gmail.com, 717-328-2126
After School Volunteers
Organization: NETwork Ministries
Location: 419 Hollywell Ave., Chambersburg
Days/Times: After school programs runs Monday-Friday, prefer volunteers who can serve at least once per week.
Project Details: Help kids with their homework, teach music lessons, give van rides, teach your favorite hobby or skill, or join in on all the after school action!
To Volunteer: Contact Ben Raber at 717-264-4640 or networkchambersburg@gmail.com
Good Samaritan Garage and Feeding Program
Organization: Trinity Episcopal Church
Location: 58 S. 2nd St., Chambersburg
Date/Time: Thursdays 6:45-9am and 9-11am, and Tuesdays 1-2:30pm
Project Details: Looking for volunteers over age 18 to help with the Good Samaritan Garage and Feeding Program. Duties may include helping guests select items, sorting and stocking items, open and close the area, cooking basic breakfast foods, greeting and serving. Volunteer anywhere from 2-4 hours weekly, or can work on a monthly schedule if that works better.
To Volunteer: Contact Justin Holoviak, 717-264-6351, admin@trinityepiscopalchurch.comcastbiz.net
Soup Kitchen and Thrift Store
Organization: The Salvation Army
Location: 159 Lincoln Way W, Chambersburg
Project Details: Volunteers are always needed to serve in the Soup Kitchen as well as the Thrift Store.
To Volunteer, Contact: Karen Keefer, karen.keefer@use.salvationarmy.org
Volunteer Tutors/Committee Members
Organization: LIU12 Franklin County Literacy Council
Location: Virtual and/or at Coyle Free Library
When: Ongoing, anytime!
Project Details: Currently, FCLC is in need of volunteer tutors to work with low-literate adults and English language learners in Franklin County. This is an ongoing opportunity with a high satisfaction return. They need individuals who have a desire to help individuals reach their goals, and who are comfortable learning how to teach in a variety of platforms (face-to-face, hybrid, and online). We also have fundraising committee and advisory board positions available, as well as community outreach and advocacy opportunities.
To Volunteer, Contact: Angie Wilt, ajwilt@iu12.org, 717-504-4459 x3504
Our Community Needs People Like You!
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(Ready to volunteer now? Then you'll want to fill out our United Way's Volunteer Application here.)